It's been 2 weeks since my semester break started and still i havent heard any news about my industrial training since the company still didnt reply to yet. So i continue my holiday by playing games which i bought it last week. One of it
Ace Combat Zero :The Belkan War where the

storyline is about a mercenary that were hired by a defending country against the Belka army. Toward the end i found out your wingmen betrayed you and join with the terrorist faction. The last battle is a dramatic one where you fighting your wingman one-on-one till the end. The music score for the final mission is great which represent "
a sad-but-true reality about war". Thanks to that game, now i feel depressed. Just im about to recover from dpression,
E3 kick off at Los Angeles and i eagerly waiting to see for
MGS4 new trailer. An guess what?..the trailer also a depresing one. Solid Snake finally decide to ended his own life by shoot himself through his mouth. Man, i cant watch the trailer too think Solid Snake no longer return in next sequel make me sad & depressed. To add salt to the wound, i watch
MGS: Portable Ops for PSP and it also a depressing trailer. It's about Big Boss from
MGS3:Snake Eater where the trailer said "
The tragedy of Big Boss & the rise of Outer Heaven". It seem not only his FOX unit turn against him his country also turn against him..turn against a hero that save the world 4 years ago despite his kill his mentor before knowing the truth. Now he was given the authority to create aunit to hnto down FOX unit and that unit was called FOXHOUND. And just like
MGS3 endign sequence..we see Big Boss salute. Too bad this time around...his eyes only show anger rather than sadness. Well that all the event that make me feels depressed for the whole week., after i tried to contact the company which im going to do my industrial training. They give an unexpected answer. "We cant give the form yet because we want to make an interview first". first i was told the im already confirm to do an industrial training there and just required to send the form for the company to fill in and send it back to me. Then after a while they decide to do an interview for the trainees. WHAT THE F**K IS THAT? . Im annoyed because my faculty forbid us to send more than 1 application and now the company decided to do a "only-god-knows-when" interview first. If they rejected or even accept me..i still need to rush to my university just to send the form which it's a pain in the arse in case they do the interview in June...
Shoot, i hate my life. Eveything is f*ck up andthere's still some people want me to be a leander...if they want a disastrous leader, fell free to contact me which i wont held any responsibilities if their life change into a full of sh*t