1) Phil Harrison Quit SCE.

The first thing i said when i read this news is "WHAT THE F**K???" Now a man who responsible making me buy PS3 leave Sony?. I must say he is a damn good speaker and know what he was talking about instead of bullshitting about the sales number. I dont know what is Sony thinking and how Sony gonna replace him but 1 thing i know for sure, Sony lost one of the best PR people in the world. Anyways Phil, Good Luck & All the best to you
2) MGS4 Got a Released Date.

The Banner above is worth than a 1000 words. I already marked on my calender for June 16 is the most anticipated date in 2008. Metal Gear will rule the world!!!!...*ahem*, just kidding. Anyways, Konami has setup MGS4 to be worldwide release which means, all territories will get MGS4 on that date.

To make thing more sweeter than a can of Vanilla Coke, they planning a Special Edition Box set which you can see the picture above. MGS4 game + Metal Gear Saga 2.0 video + Tin Can Box. So far, this one is intended for Japanese market. For US market, Konami still didnt give any feedback yet. Hopefully the US & Euro version also get the Limited Edition. Speaking of Disc, MGS4 will use 50g Blu-ray Disc but from recent interview with Kojima, it seem 50g is not enough for HIS VISION of MGS4. WTF? Someone give him the prototype 100g blu-ray disc now!!!!
If you guys has been wondering "why 50g is not enough?", it's because he dont want to compress the data (texture, sound & etc). For Hideo Kojima, No Compression = Top Quality. Well, it seem he's a perfectionist and sometime having a perfectionist as a Game Designer is great because we can assure the quality of the game they deliver will be a top class.
Just for laugh, 50g BD is not enough for MGS4. If they come out for Xbox360, maybe we will see this boxset :P

Dont even think about compression. I already said before, Kojima dont want to compress his game. In the mean time, keep an eye on the Countdown time at the upper right of my blog
3) MGS4 + 80g PS3 US Bundle.

The biggest news and i somehow expected it, Sony will released MGS4 + PS3 bundle. The best part is, it's the 80g version...not the 40g like Devil May Cry 4 bundle. Im planning to get the US bundle but it seem one of the supplier said it may cost RM2000+.
F**K the price, i'll get it no matter what!!!. In fact, it's the NTSC U/C version, so i can play MGS Essential Collection on PS3. having 2 PS3 is not a problem at all. Now where can i find extra money for this :D