I've been a PS3 owner for about 3 months and quite satisfied with it(except for Singapore PSN, lacks of Classic game to download unlike US PSN). I've been following the gaming news right after the PS3 was announce in 2006. Sure, at that time alot of game stay in "exclusive-title" camp. But after awhile, it seem "Multiplatform" camp looks better than "Exclusive" camp..maybe because there's alot of hot chick in there.
Game developer nowdays tend to jump into the Multiplatform-Bandwagon faster than you can say "OMGWTFBBQ" properly. Sure, it's understandable that the cost for next-gen is higher than building a Mercedes and game dev trying to coup up with their spending by going multiplatform. Actually, for me & this post..it's not about i disagree with "Multiplatform" or "Exclusive" direction the Game Dev take, it's all about the end product. yes, the GAME.
Some game dev (*cough*EA*cough*) really starting to piss me off with their games....no, their CRAPPY games. Take EA sport game as an example, most of it play poorly on PS3 but run fine on 360. Is EA some 360 fanboy or something?..most of their game look crappy on PS3(except Fifa 08 which is damn good) and the 'usual' answer we get is: "PS3 is hard to code..bla..bla...". I dont think 'hard to code' is an issue with the hardware..it's the issue with the people. Admit it, they are too lazy to write a code. and stop milking money using a crappy port..this goes also to you, KOEI. Stop blaming on console sale and start blaming on you crappy & repetitive games.
On the other hand, Ubisoft & Infinity Ward make a fine example that Multiplatform game should look like. Look at Assassin's Creed & Call of Duty 4 head-to-head 360 & PS3 comparison, it looks identically the same..unless you want to go for technical stuff like shader or lighting where for other people they dont give a shit about that stuff. Although both of the game got some issue in PS3(Assassin's Creed freeze & COD4 got online issue), at least they didnt ruined the enjoyment..ok, Assassin's Creed screen lockup is damn irritating for a while, but after i updated to V1.10, i encounter no screen lockup during 6 hours of gameplay.
By making a good multiplatform games and run good on both system, then you'll get a larger worldwide audience. What the point aiming for a wide audience where your game suck real hard on 1 particular console? You're wasting your money anyways and spark another console fanboy war in the forum nearby.
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