Monday, December 31, 2007


In a couple of hours we can safely said..."GTFO 2007 , Here come the bitch 2008 " . LoL. I must near 'can' be great for me. Well, at least for my birthday... 08/08/08. What a freakin nice number i got there.

I opt to stay in my house and kill Zeus in God of War 2 i bought recently for my PS3 instead of go & join the crowd of crazyass people that celebrate it on the street. Why? let me make a comparison.

Stay at home:
  • sit on the comfortable couch
  • playing PS3 on my HDTV
  • air-conditioned room
  • can eat what ever i want
  • wear simple clothes
  • can sleep whenever i want, wherever i want

Go out & have a partyyyy!! :
  • girls
  • girls
  • girls....shit, she's a guy
  • wet & sweaty
  • FCUKING HOT..and i mean the temperatures
  • end up sitting on the side road...if worse, cant even sit down because too damn crowded
  • tired but cannot sleep....and that suck
That pretty much sum up how "staying at home" > "party outside".

Oh, before i forgot..the only fun part in celebrating New Year's Eve is during the first 5 minutes after Midnight. After that, everything is normal again, just like nothing big ever happen. If you count that in PLUS the time you join the crowd from 8 pm, it's a freakin' waste of precious time.

Actually, last 3 weeks i thought of something. What is the worst thing you ever see in your life?. For me, the no 1 spot goes to "watching hindustan movie preview on tv without a friggin' subtitle". I dont know whether the guys at the tv stations a dumbass or a moron, but 1 thing for sure..that guys think we're born with the ability to translate other language on the fly.

What the point showing a preview which you cant understand a jack about it?. Man, the world become weirder and weirder on every second and i dont expect in 2008 things will become better than this year.

Anyways..Happy New Year....

I think it's time for me to forget that 'someone'. *sigh* Now im off to kill Zeus ..again

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