Tuesday, December 11, 2007


According to my previous post, yes..im a PS3 owner. Quite a proud one i must say. I bought my PS3 with my first salary and didnt even regret it. Up until now, i only have 3 games, 2 on Blu-ray disc(Assassin's Creed & DiRT) and one is Downloaded from PSN(Warhawk)...Unreal Tournament 3, Haze & COD4 will be coming soon :P

Let the pictures speak for themself:

Dual Shock 3 & SIXAXIS

DiRT & Assassin's Creed

My PS3 Setup with 32' LCD TV

Ever wonder how Gran Turismo 5 look on PS3?..just take a look at the picture below

Now the only thing i need to wait is...Metal Gear Solid 4 & Final Fantasy 13


syihanz said...

ps3 brape sen ek??games sume of course ori kan??hmmm...

K-End said...

PS3 yg 40g lebih kurang RM1300. Kalo bundle ngan Winning Eleven = Rm1500.

Yg 80g plak rasanya RM1500 skarang

hehe..games sumer yg ori la. Takdak cetak rompak